Class placement is based on age, technique, progress and strength. It is most important that each student be placed in the appropriate level and class where they will be challenged, but not overwhelmed, and will be able to execute new dance movements without injury or instilling bad habits. Because it usually takes 2 to 3 years before the necessary skills are attained, and because there are only a few levels per age group, it is normal for a student to spend 2 to 3 years in each level. Sometimes it is necessary for a student to be moved into a different class, level, or more suitable genre, after registration has taken place. This will be done as soon as possible at the beginning of the year and will be discussed with the parent first. It is very important that each dancer is comfortable in their class/es so please don’t hesitate to call with any questions or concerns regarding placement.
Ballet helps students further their strength, technique and helps them understand proper posture and placement. We strongly suggest that students take a Ballet class in conjunction with their other class/es. Some classes must take a Ballet class in conjunction with their other class/es. R.A.D. Ballet classes Grades 1 and up attend their grade twice per week. In addition to the companies, some classes must take an additional class per week as indicated.
RAD Ballet grades Primary Exam through Intermediate foundation must register for the Summer Intensive which takes place the first week of September.
Registration for our 24/25 season is now closed. To receive information and the schedule for our 25/26 season when it becomes available in May, create an account here.
The schedule, classes and instructors are subject to change at any time. Classes may be combined if required.